Edit September 17th, 2019: We’ve just posted some new photos of 3 place mats on our social media, and here they are again with the colour codes in Schachenmayr Catania 100% Cotton. Click on the images to purchase the pattern. Enjoy!
Place mat in the left side:
Place mat in the centre:
Place mat in the right side:
Hi everybody!
We have been working on different design projects and enjoyed a relaxing summer vacation in our garden in the past few months, but we have still found some time to crochet in between, as that is our preferred craft during the summer months.
We have been working on different design projects and enjoyed a relaxing summer vacation in our garden in the past few months, but we have still found some time to crochet in between, as that is our preferred craft during the summer months.
One of the projects that we have been busy with is Hedvig, the throw that we designed about 1 year ago, but only released the pattern this May. In any case, the Hedvig flowers have proven to be very addictive and we have now been crocheting them using Catania from Schachnemayr, which is one of our most favourite 100% cotton yarns to crochet with. Going from a 100% Merino to a 100% Cotton changes the entire look and feel of the flowers, that’s for sure, and we think it is a good idea to let you know, so you can try these crocheting these flowers using different yarns, to find the one you like the most.
We think it was in our last LiveStream that we mentioned that we were doing place mats using those flowers. Someone commented that it was a good idea which they would had never have thought of, and since they didn’t feel up to crocheting an entire throw, they were so pleased that we gave them the idea, as they would now give the flowers a chance and do place mats instead.
So, we realised that sometimes, it’s very difficult for people to envision what else they could do with the flowers, so we thought we’d help you out a little bit! If you’ve already bought the pattern, but felt discouraged immediately after buying it because you realise you are not up to making such a large project, here are a couple of alternative ideas:
The centre of the Hedvig flower is quite large, large enough to fit the bottom of a glass. So, if you do the flowers individually, they could definitely become coasters for your glasses, especially coasters that you could use on you summer table.
As for the place mat, this is also a quick project that you can finish off pretty fast and you could probably manage doing 2 or 4 of these in just a few weeks. Here is an illustration to show you how to put together the flowers into a place mat, columns 1 and 3 consist of 4 flowers and column 2 consist of 3 whole flowers and 2 half flowers:

We’ve added the colour codes in Catania in case you want to use the same colours as we did (Orchidee 00222 is used for joining the flowers)
Here is a photo of the finished placemat and a photos of some nice table settings for you to enjoy:
Of course, there are so many other things you can do with these flowers! Crochet one flower and appliqué it to your fabric tote bag! Or you can make a colourful floral scarf for winter. Or how about a table runner or even a table cloth!
As for the size of the flower, it should be 12,5 cm in diameter, from edge of petal to edge of petal. as shown in this illustration:
See, just because we called the pattern Hedvig Crochet Throw, doesn’t actually mean it has to be a throw!
Enjoy you crocheting and make sure to check our online shop for other beautiful crochet patterns.
This Sunday, we have a show and tell episode on YouTube, where we will show you the latest women’s collection we have designed from Schachenmayr. See you at 6:00pm in Central Europe // 11:00am Central time in North America!
PS1: If you haven’t see the podcast we did with the Hedvig flowers, click here.
PS2: And click here for a tutorial on crocheting the petals of the flower.